How to Overcome Shyness Around Women

By Steve K. Miller

If you are reading this article than it's safe to say that you probably consider yourself to be a shy person. Man can I relate to you because I was once where you are now. I use to be so afraid to approach anyone let alone a woman. I have learned to overcome my shyness which is why I wanted to share this article with you on how to overcome shyness around women.

The most important lesson I learned is that shyness is not who you are, it's not part of your core identity. You are putting limitations on yourself when you tell people you are shy and that affects your mindset.

The first thing you want to do is become more conscious of your thoughts and what you say. Instead of telling people you are shy, start saying "I use to be shy, but I'm not any longer." The more you say it, the more you will believe it.

Shyness comes from all the negative talk we have going on in our head. We think that people are thinking negative things about us, maybe they are talking about us or talking about how we look. The first step to stopping all this chatter is by ignoring it.

Here is the truth...people aren't thinking about you at all. We never approach women because we are worried about what the people around us will think. In our minds we have all these thoughts going through our head like they will think we're strange, a failure, pathetic or they'll make fun of us. What you need to understand is that those people could care less about you. They have their own mind chatter going on. They are more concerned with what is going on in their own lives instead of concerning themselves with you.

You hold the power to overcoming your shyness, no one else. Labeling yourself as shy is all about your own thoughts about yourself. It has nothing to do with anything or anyone else.

The good news is that you can change. It all starts with thinking in a different way. When you say you are shy you are actually judging yourself. You are saying you aren't worthy of meeting or attracting the opposite sex. This is just not true. As soon as you stop judging yourself, you will no longer feel shy. You will be able to embrace who you really are and you will then find that approaching women is a lot easier than you ever thought possible.

I hope some of these tips were helpful in how to overcome shyness around women. Remember that shyness starts with your thoughts so by changing your thoughts, you can overcome your shyness. Don't hold yourself back any longer. That perfect woman is out there just waiting for you to come up and say hello.

Steve Miller has some great information to share with you about how to approach women. That information can be found by clicking here.

You can also grab this free report on how to get inside a woman's mind and discover 5 things women wish you knew when approaching them. Get your free copy at

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